Basil Townsend Quaich 2014

14 June 2014, Auchincruive

Malcolm Smith, playing for Auchincruive won the Basil Townsend Quaich.   Rather sadly only one other club entered.   Malcolm's 26-15 victory over Richard Sparrow of Glasgow means Auchincruive have won it three years in a row, something that has not been achieved for the 'Ayrshire-based' inter-club competition since Auchincruive won the then Piersland Rosebowl in 1990-1992 at the Piersland Hotel in Troon.

These were the last three years of the Piersland Rosebowl in that guise.   The trophy disappeared with the folding of the Piersland Club due to a change of ownership at the hotel and Charlotte Townsend generously presented the new Basil Townsend Quaich for this inter-club competition. However eventually the trophy reappeared in a charity shop in Troon in 2001. It was recognised (although mistakenly CC was deciphered as 'Curling Club' - tch tch) and rescued. Now of course, that original trophy is presented for the winners of the SCA East v West v North event.

Malcolm Smith

West of Scotland Championship 2014

4-5 October 2014, Kelvingrove

West of Scotland playersLyn Gilpin won her first SCA tournament by winning all of her games on the fast and consistent Kelvingrove lawns.  Her fastest win, against Joe Lennon, took all of 55 minutes and with 4 bisques standing at the end.   Despite one short heavy shower on the Saturday the weather was reasonable across the two days.  Important features of Kelvingrove following the Commonwealth Games:  the lawns appear to drain very quickly after rain and show very little pooling of water;  the players were photographed on numerous occasions by passers-by (Joe might not have been smiling at the time) and we now have a toilet - yippee!

Read more: West of Scotland Championship 2014

Malmet Trophy 2014

20-22 September 2014, Meadows

Bob Darling, Hamish Duguid, Janice Duguid, Bryan Sykes, Jamieson Walker and Alan Wilson contested this year's Malmet Trophy for the second best six available SCA members.  As the Chairman's Rosebowl was being held at Kelvingrove this gave the opportunity for all games to be single banked and manager Wilson decreed that games should be of 2½ hours' duration.

Following Brian Murdoch's advice he allocated specific players to set out the lawns on each of the three days of competition which was well received by the players.   Given the tight timescale he also warned that any player failing to start a game within five minutes of being requested to do so would suffer the sanction of their balls being deemed in corners I and III and their opponent being allowed to start.  This had the desired effect and there was very little delay between games, although Bryan Sykes on the first morning and Alan Wilson on the last were nearly caught out by transport delays.

Read more: Malmet Trophy 2014