Kinross Quaich 2017
June 4 2017, Kinross
The 2017 Kinross Quaich was cancelled.
June 4 2017, Kinross
The 2017 Kinross Quaich was cancelled.
30 September - 1 October 2017, Knightswood
The really awful wet conditions leading up to the West of Scotland Handicap Championship resulted in the event being reduced to a single day event. Lorna Dewar with three wins and one draw deservedly won the West of Scotland after being undefeated. As a result of the weather the tournament was played using the Egyptian format with 18-point games lasting two hours. Most competitors had four games on the Saturday but some withdrew after two of the lawns developed standing water and were unplayable. It was possible to conclude the event with a final played between Lorna Dewar and Jamieson Walker (last year's winner). Despite the conditions Lorna played really well and completed the final on-time and ended up winning 18-5.
24-25 June 2017, Meadows
Winner: James Hopgood
Runner-up: Duncan Reeve
Plate winner: Mark Ormerod
Peeling prize: Duncan Reeve
8-9 July, Meadows
Campbell Morrison won the Muffin Dish and Brian Durward took the Biscuit Plate.
16-18 September, Meadows
David Houston won the Malmet Trophy.