West of Scotland Championship 2022

24-25 September, Knightswood

Six players took part in the West of Scotland handicap tournament so the all-pllay-all format was (just about*) used.  Two good quality and moderately paced lawns were available and conditions were helped by some excellent weather on the Saturday.

The most notable match was between Roger Binks and Kevin Wright.  With his partner ball on 3 Roger took his striker's ball though rover then pegged out Kevin’s peg ball. In doing so he unintentionally pegged out his striker's ball leaving only two balls (Law 43, "Pegging out in handicap games", was carefully examined). Kevin was then on 6 and Roger on 3 for the two-ball ending. Following some excellent hitting in and positioning, Roger was ahead after 1-back, although foolishly ran rover backwards instead of positioning for 3-back.  This allowed Kevin to narrow the gap and progress for the next shot at penult, where Roger had landed on the upright and being unable to make a roquet played north of the hoop.  Kevin progressed to rover but stuck midway. Roger scored penult with a long shot and reasonable clearance. Had his roquet attempt hit, it would have scored for Kevin, however it just missed and left Kevin to finish the game +2.

By the end of the tournament two players emerged with four wins: Kevin Wright and Mark Shanks. Mark had a total hoop count of 117 and Kevin 93. Therefore Mark was declared the winner.  Well done and congratulations to Mark.

In previous years this event has attracted up to 16 players or more with many holding a handicap of near scratch or below. So special mention must be made of James Hopgood’s participation.  Playing with a dodgy mallet and at times giving away 19½ bisques he managed three wins on the Sunday.  The participation of A Class players in handicap events is essential for bringing on improving players so a special thanks to James. So next year more low handicap players please!

Brian Durward (Manager)


  RB AW KW MS DF JH Wins Hoops
Roger Binks   -3 -2 -5 -12 -3 0 105
Alan Wilson +3   -18* -11 +16 +26 3 93
Kevin Wright +2 +18*   -23 +7T
+26 4 95
Mark Shanks +5 +11 +23   +12* -5 4 117
David Fell +12 -16 -7T
-12*   -14 1 69
James Hopgood +3 -26 -26 +5 +14   3 78

* For reasons best known to those at the event, the Wilson v Wright and Shanks v Fell games were played to 18 points.

Mark Shanks receiving the trophy from Brian Durward