Croquet North v SCA 2012
22-23 September 2012, Tyneside
The Scots triumph again and retain the absent Beer Pump Handle. The match result was CN 4 - SCA(B) 12.
Although the match result after the Sunday morning Doubles had decided the outcome (3-9), after lunch it was decided to play the Singles, but the Doubles between Phil & Dennis v Bill & Jamieson and Roger & Alice v Robert & Hamish were not played.
One of the highlights of the weekend has to be the impromptu demonstration of limbo dancing during the meal in the Italian Restaurant by Bill.
Derek Watts
Saturday Doubles:
Phil Errington (2) & Alice Fleck (11) lost to Bill Spalding (1.5) & Hamish Duguid (10) -1T
Roger Staples (3.5) & Dennis Scarr (4.5) lost to Robert Inder (4.5) & Jamieson Walker (8) -4T
Saturday Singles:
Phil Errington beat Jamieson Walker +9
Roger Staples lost to Hamish Duguid -6
Dennis Scarr lost to Bill Spalding -26
Alice Fleck lost to Robert Inder -22
Phil Errington lost to Robert Inder -3T
Roger Staples beat Bill Spalding +2
Dennis Scarr beat Hamish Duguid +10
Alice Fleck lost to Jamieson Walker -19
Sunday Doubles:
Phil Errington & Roger Staples lost to Bill Spalding & Robert Inder -23
Dennis Scarr & Alice Fleck lost to Jamieson Walker & Hamish Duguid -1T
Sunday Singles:
Phil Errington lost to Bill Spalding -11
Roger Staples lost to Robert Inder -1T
Dennis Scarr beat Jamieson Walker +19
Alice Fleck lost to Hamish Duguid -6T
Match Result: CN 4 - SCA(B) 12
The victorious team: from left to right, Jamieson, Robert, Bill and Hamish.