Aberdeen Saints Croquet Club

Location Old Torry Outdoor Sports Centre, Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9NU
Crathes Castle, near Banchory, Aberdeenshire

C. Henderson
19 Woodend Place
01224 318448
07721 834098

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Secretary A. Bicket This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Aberdeen Saints Croquet Club was established in 2016, although 2017 will be the first year when we have formalised playing times, coaching and competitions. We play at Old Torry Outdoor Sports Centre, Victoria Road, Aberdeen, AB11 9NU, where there is FREE Parking, and at Crathes Castle. We record our thanks to Sport Aberdeen and the National Trust for Scotland for their support. A number of our founder members are also established members of Royal Northern & University Club, Aberdeen with whom we have a close association.   Founder Captain is Charles Henderson who has played at Crathes Castle for over 25 years, many of these years being when only four people played croquet there, the others being Peter Gray, Martin Welch (both of who retired through injury and illness) and the late George Cowie.  Until 2012 some of us were blissfully unaware of most of the strategies and skills required today!  Founder Secretary is Pam Rotheroe-Hay, who although a newcomer to croquet is a very experienced and successful administrator and organiser, and already a dedicated croquet player.  Our other Founder Members are similarly enthusiastic.

In 2017 we plan to recruit from Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, install a sustainable development and coaching programme, arrange matches/competitions and offer an enjoyable experience to all members, whether competitive or social. We will focus on Association Croquet and getting members on to the lawn as often as their other commitments allow.  We would welcome visits from croquet players from other parts of Scotland and England to give us some coaching or play matches with us - we will need it and promise to be generous hosts!  Our Operating Plan is aimed at working with the business and other communities so that we will be financially viable on an ongoing basis.

Founder members of Aberdeen Saints CC